Insert and Show Records using jQuery Ajax and PHP!

In this post I’m going to show you how to insert records into MySQL database using jQuery Ajax and PHP, also going to show how to show records from a MySQL table.

This code is extremely easy and without using …

Very Simple CSS Drop Down Menu – Use it in your project!

Very Simple CSS Drop Down Menu – Use it in your project!

This code is really simple and works in all the browsers including IE 7. Web Developers sometimes stuck in a css menu for a very long time. To reduce the stress, here is the simple code where you can copy …

Simple jQuery Typing Animation Script – Demo & Download!

Today we are going to see an Interesting jQuery script. Typing Animation script!. Its very simple only 12 lines of code doing this magical animation.
This script Actually asked by one of my blog user, thanks for asking this and …

ucwords() in Classic ASP / Proper Case or Title Case in ASP!!

ucwords() in Classic ASP / Proper Case or Title Case in ASP!!

This tutorial shows how you can make first letter capital (upper case) of each word in Classic ASP.
There is no predefined function like PHP ucwords() in Classic ASP. So, here is the function you can use it to do …

jQuery Date Picker on Click of Calendar Icon / Any Image

This tutorials shows how you can make the jQuery datePicker appear on click of the Calendar Icon. Also, teaches how you can change the date format of date picker.

Lets begin the tutorial.

Here is the JavaScript Part:

$(function() {

Change Font Family on select Drop Down – Simple jQuery script!


Here is another great tutorial – How to change font family dynamically using jQuery!!

I have used a drop down list of font-families. OnChange of the drop down box will change the font type of the document.

Go to

Find the length of a string without using inbuild function in Java

Find the length of a string without using inbuild function in Java

In this tutorial we are going to see how to get the length of any input string without using the length() function in Java.

Here is the code goes:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class lengthofstring {
     public static void 
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