Category: HTML

Hide a div when the mouse is active, show when the mouse is inactive

Hide a div when the mouse is active, show when the mouse is inactive

In this post, we are going to see a simple jQuery example on how to show a div when the mouse is inactive and hide when the mouse is active again.

If you are looking the other way around, I …

Convert Div to image using jQuery, PHP & HTML Canvas

Hi Friends, It’s been a long time, so today I’m writing an interesting topic about how to capture a DIV content and save it as an image using PHP.

And I didn’t stop simply capturing any div but also giving …

Simple Graph Animation using only CSS3

In this tutorial we are going to see how to do a Graph Bar Animation using pure CSS3, no JavaScript used in this tutorial. Its very simple if you already good at CSS techniques.

Because we have used CSS3 in …

How to add Option to a Select Box (Drop Down) using jQuery – Tutorial

How to add Option to a Select Box (Drop Down) using jQuery – Tutorial

In this tutorial we are going to see how to add a new <option> tag to an existing <select> drop down using jQuery.
Also we are going to learn how to add <option> to the top of the <select> drop …

Get current location Latitude and Longitude in HTML 5 – Tutorial!

Get current location Latitude and Longitude in HTML 5 – Tutorial!


This post is about to teach you how to get the latitude and longitude of the current location!. Its pretty simple in HTML 5. You actually don’t need any 3rd party API’s to get the current location instead you are …

Allow only Numbers (0-9) using jQuery – Useful Script!

Allow only Numbers (0-9) using jQuery – Useful Script!

This post shows you how to allow only numbers ie., (0-9) in a textbox. Often this code needed in a Registration form to avoid typing Alphabets.

You can see the demo of this script at the bottom of this post!

Select All Checkboxes using jQuery – Demo and Example Script.

Today we are going to see how to make all the checkboxes checked when the user clicks the top checkbox ie., (Select All checkbox) . This script is really easy and is often needed in many situation.

Here is the …

Very Simple CSS Drop Down Menu – Use it in your project!

Very Simple CSS Drop Down Menu – Use it in your project!

This code is really simple and works in all the browsers including IE 7. Web Developers sometimes stuck in a css menu for a very long time. To reduce the stress, here is the simple code where you can copy …

jQuery Date Picker on Click of Calendar Icon / Any Image

This tutorials shows how you can make the jQuery datePicker appear on click of the Calendar Icon. Also, teaches how you can change the date format of date picker.

Lets begin the tutorial.

Here is the JavaScript Part:

$(function() {

Show a Div After reaching the bottom of the Page (Tutorial)!

This tutorial shows you how you can show a Div after you reach the bottom of the page using jQuery!.

Its very simple actually. Just copy paste the below code and save it as html and see the output.


Theme: Overlay by Kaira