Let’s start how we can connect to the database and pull the records from a Table using Classic ASP.
Yes, we all know people stopped using Classic ASP for a long time but, still, there are some websites running in Classic ASP which needs some modifications right?
No worries, here is the entire script for you enjoy!
<% Dim conn Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'User (local) or localhost or your host ip conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = (local); Initial Catalog = mydatabase; User Id = myusername; Password=mypassword" dim strSQL strSQL = "select * from table_name" Set rst = conn.Execute(strSQL) Response.Write("<table>") If rst.BOF And rst.EOF Then ' No data Else Do While (Not rst.EOF) Response.Write "<tr><td>" & rst("columnname1") & "</td><td>" & rst("columnname2") & "</td></tr>" rst.MoveNext Loop End If Response.Write("</table>") %>