Category: jQuery

Learn how to get the value of a select option using jQuery


This post explains you how to get the value of the selected option from the select box using jQuery.

Its pretty simple in jQuery, Look at the below syntax:

$('#yourselectboxid :selected').val()

the above one line of code will give …

Hide a div when the mouse is inactive for 5 seconds, show when the mouse is active!

Hide a div when the mouse is inactive for 5 seconds, show when the mouse is active!

Better example of  jQuery mousemove() event to Show div for 5 seconds then Hide it after the delay!

This script is basically show a div when the mouse is active ie., when you move the mouse on the Document, If …

Very Simple Auto Suggestion script using jQuery Auto complete!

In this tutorial we are going to look how we can get the auto suggestions when people start typing on the text box.  I’ve used jQuery AutoComplete and PHP to do that!

if you want to see the Demo or …

PHP jQuery AJAX Image Upload Script download and use it!

PHP jQuery AJAX Image Upload Script download and use it!

Are you searching for an Image upload script without refreshing the page in PHP?. Then you are at the right place!.
The script that works in all the browsers. This script gonna be amazingly useful for your project.

NOTE: You …

How to Get Value of Radio button group using jQuery?

How to Get Value of Radio button group using jQuery?

After jQuery comes into the programming world we just started love to programming because of its simplicity and quality.

Lets see how can we retrive the value of a radio button group.

See the piece of code will get the …

Very Simple jQuery and PHP Ajax Request – Ready to use code

Very Simple jQuery and PHP Ajax Request – Ready to use code

Are you wondering how to do an Ajax call through jQuery Script?.

Here I’m going to teach you a very very simple way of writing a jQuery script to fetch the records from the database.

Download the script at the

Theme: Overlay by Kaira