Category: jQuery

jQuery – Add options to select box dynamically

In this post, you will learn how to add (append) options to an existing select box (dropdown) dynamically using jQuery.

Let’s see the script

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>jQuery Script - Add options to select box dynamically</title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">

jQuery Ajax File upload with Percentage Progress bar

I have already written a similar post long back using jQuery form Plugin if you wish you can see the link below:

PHP jQuery AJAX Image Upload Script download and use it!

Before going through the script you can see …

Convert Div to image using jQuery, PHP & HTML Canvas

Hi Friends, It’s been a long time, so today I’m writing an interesting topic about how to capture a DIV content and save it as an image using PHP.

And I didn’t stop simply capturing any div but also giving …

Facebook / Skype like emoticons jQuery Plugin

Here is another interesting jQuery plugin from Emotion icons jQuery plugin, shortly emoticons jquery plugin.

You might wonder how Facebook, Skype or any other social networking websites changing the smileys to emoticons when you type. The answer is …

Face detection and photo tagging script with jQuery!

Today we are going to see how to create a Facebook like face detection and tagging with the help of jQuery.

To detect faces on the image I have used a popular face detection plugin developed by jaysalvat. You …

Highcharts – load JSON data via Ajax and PHP!

Highcharts is a popular JavaScript for creating easy and interactive charts, but you know it is also possible to make it dynamic by pulling the data from the database using server-side scripts. In this tutorial I have used PHP as

Capture Webcam Image with PHP and jQuery!

You might have seen many websites having an option of capturing web camera image for profile pictures. Especially Facebook has this feature, either you can upload image from your computer or you can take photo using Web Camera.

Today’s script …

Highcharts – Pass data dynamically with jQuery!

This tutorial shows how to pass the data dynamically to Highcharts using jQuery. No server side script used such as PHP or ASP. So, this tutorial will teach you only passing the data not to create data. If you want …

Highcharts – Dynamically change chart type with jQuery!

In this tutorial we are going to see how it is possible to dynamically change the chart type only with jQuery. Highcharts is an open source javascript library which helps us to create Interactive charts easily.

In Highcharts there are …

Very Simple jQuery Validation with custom error message!

If you are a web developer you should be doing form validation for almost all of your websites, spending time on validation is another issue if you are working in a company, everybody in this programming world is in hurry, …

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