Convert Div to image using jQuery, PHP & HTML Canvas

Hi Friends, It’s been a long time, so today I’m writing an interesting topic about how to capture a DIV content and save it as an image using PHP.

And I didn’t stop simply capturing any div but also giving an …

Convert Image to JPG, PNG & GIF in PHP

Here I’m coming up with a new PHP class, which will help you to convert any uploaded image to JPG, PNG and GIF.

Class name: image_converter.php


*	Image converter Script by Agurchand 
*	Find the script at	

Facebook / Skype like emoticons jQuery Plugin

Here is another interesting jQuery plugin from Emotion icons jQuery plugin, shortly emoticons jquery plugin.

You might wonder how Facebook, Skype or any other social networking websites changing the smileys to emoticons when you type. The answer is …

How to store image in MySQL database with PHP


If you are a newbie PHP developer, you will not easily get the idea of storing images in the database, but the answer is very simple, you are not going to store the actual image in the database but …

PHP PDO SQLite Example – Insert, Read, Search


In this lesson you are going to learn the below stuffs:

1. How to Create and connect to a database in SQLite using PDO.
2. How Create a table in SQLite
3. How to insert values into the SQLite

PHP mysqli prepared statement insert example

MySQLi is the improved version of MySQL extension and it has more feature which is included in PHP Version 5.

The advantage using MySQLi is:

1. Prevent SQL Injection
2. Able to Prepare statement and bind params.
3. OOPS Interface and …

How to create a simple WordPress plugin

In this lesson you are going to see how to create a plugin in WordPress, this tutorial is for absolute beginners who does not know the basic of WordPress Plugin.

First see the folder structure of the WordPress, there are three folders

1. …

Page load Progress bar for your website / webpage

Page load Progress bar for your website / webpage

You might have seen a lot of popular websites showing a progress bar while the website or a web page is loading. It is user-friendly because the user will know how much of the entire page is loaded and how …

Theme: Overlay by Kaira