Find the length of a string without using inbuild function in Java

Find the length of a string without using inbuild function in Java

In this tutorial we are going to see how to get the length of any input string without using the length() function in Java.

Here is the code goes:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class lengthofstring {
     public static void 

Show a Div After reaching the bottom of the Page (Tutorial)!

This tutorial shows you how you can show a Div after you reach the bottom of the page using jQuery!.

Its very simple actually. Just copy paste the below code and save it as html and see the output.


Learn how to Create and Add new element in jQuery!

Here we are going to see how we can add a new element into the body of the page or inside particular div using jQuery. We have a function called append() in jQuery to do this trick.

See the below …

Learn how to get the value of a select option using jQuery


This post explains you how to get the value of the selected option from the select box using jQuery.

Its pretty simple in jQuery, Look at the below syntax:

$('#yourselectboxid :selected').val()

the above one line of code will give …

How to reverse a string without using default function in Java?

How to reverse a string without using default function in Java?

Learn how to reverse a string using pre-defined function and not using pre-defined function from this post. This will be useful when you are going for an Interview, most of the time interviewer ask us this kind of questions only!…

Split function in Classic ASP tutorial!

Split function in Classic ASP tutorial!

This tutorial explains to you how to explode a string in classic ASP. There is a default ASP function already given in Classic ASP is called Split()

See the below code, Its pretty much easier as PHP explode() function(If you …

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