Month: April 2013

Remove .php extension from URL using htaccess

Remove .php extension from URL using htaccess

Hi friends, You might wonder seeing some sites will not display any .php extension even though they developed the website using normal PHP script.

This can be achieved using htaccess. It’s damn simple and here is the code:

The below …

Hide a div when the mouse is inactive for 5 seconds, show when the mouse is active!

Hide a div when the mouse is inactive for 5 seconds, show when the mouse is active!

Better example of  jQuery mousemove() event to Show div for 5 seconds then Hide it after the delay!

This script is basically show a div when the mouse is active ie., when you move the mouse on the Document, If the …

Check Site is Up or Down – PHP Script Tutorial & Download!

Check Site is Up or Down – PHP Script Tutorial & Download!

There are plenty of one page websites running nowadays just for checking whether any website is UP or Down. Do you believe If you have one page in your website will make you to pull some traffic?.

Here is the …

Get User current location by IP address – Simple PHP Script!

Get User current location by IP address – Simple PHP Script!

This script will give you the User’s City, State and Country, Latitude, Langitude etc.,

To get the IP Address is easy in PHP right?, but to get the Country and City we need to use some third party API’s

Here …

Very Simple Auto Suggestion script using jQuery Auto complete!

In this tutorial we are going to look how we can get the auto suggestions when people start typing on the text box.  I’ve used jQuery AutoComplete and PHP to do that!

if you want to see the Demo or just …

Theme: Overlay by Kaira